Planned & Reactive Electrical Maintenance
Planned & Reactive Electrical Maintenance
How much of your business is reliant on electricity – could you manage if you lost power? Could you still operate? We tend to take electricity for granted as it rarely goes wrong, but when it does it is usually a total outage.
GHS currently offer a reactive and planned maintenance service to both the domestic and commercial sector, weather you want a cracked plug socket changed, or an entire office blocked installed, we can do it.
Good maintenance plans need careful planning, proactive management and comprehensive reporting. Right at the beginning of the design of an electrical installation, thought should be given to the maintenance and service. This will result in a safe system that saves you money long term.
Despite all the exciting advances in technology, the old cliché still holds true: prevention is better than cure. GHS are experts in electrical maintenance and can tailor-make a programme of planned preventative maintenance that exactly fits your requirements.
New ERP legislation on motors means electrical equipment has become increasingly more efficient and better controlled, but it all has a limited lifespan. Maintenance is a necessity not an inconvenient overhead.
We use the latest techniques of electronic planned and reactive preventative maintenance to keep your costs down. We also make full use of new technology like asset registers, data loggers and other monitoring systems.
Business Activities
There is a lot more to electrical maintenance than just turning up with a tool box and pack of light bulbs. Would you run your car without an annual MOT and service? How long would it last if you never checked the oil?